Friday, January 10, 2014

Yori-Za & The Players

A theater group came through town and performed in the big parking lot next to the Yuri-Za theater (where Nik did his exhibition). It was a scorcher of a day so they thoughtfully put up a canopy for the audience; but man did they sweat in their costumes and makeup.

It was extremely theatrical, with lots of yelling and emotional outbursts. It was of course entirely in Japanese but translation wasn't necessary as characters were so absurdly funny that you didn't really need to know what was going on. I'm still not entirely sure what the exact story was (something about a teacher and his pupils) but it just didn't matter, it was dynamic and totally entertaining.

Hopper was not into it on any level and sat facing my chest. But even though he was too scared to face it, he still peeked out from the side, because it was, afterall, a bit too interesting not to watch. 

A dinner was organized to welcome the players to Kamiyama as well as celebrate the arrival of Susken's husband Benoit. The whole day was yet another special occasion to see friends and eat delicious food.

(Incidentally, I had seen a couple of the players at the onsen the night before. Nothing like being naked with someone before being introduced at dinner.)

Maki tending to the lead's daughter during the show

the MC

players came out from different hiding places

i just love that the community comes out to enjoy the different cultural events

this guy was hilarious with his bendable face

... and they all end up in jail! tadaaaaaa!

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