Sunday, June 15, 2014

Papa & The Piggies

Though Hopper is now fully capable of complex sentences and ideas, the concept of Father's Day was slightly lost on him. While we were making pancakes for daddy this morning, I told him to paint a picture for daddy's special day and he walked off talking about Today is Daddy's birthday! At least he got the gist that today is the day to be a little extra nice. Which of course lasted but a nanosecond.

We all could've stood for a little extra nice today. With all the World Cup "footy" madness around here, we've been up late watching matches so have been a little worse for wear in the energy and nice departments. But despite fatigue, we hopped on our bikes to join Fede and his kids Boris and Maria to feed their pigs in Ouderkerk.

Not sure what to expect, we pulled up along the idyllic Amstel river, to a small farm nestled under some trees. And there they were, 4 smelly piggies all super squeally and excited to see Fede with his basket of food. We spent about 45 mins there, watching the pigs gorge themselves, sometimes fighting over bananas and apples, but mostly snouting their way through a massive bucket of slop. 

Hopper was impressed but scared. Pigs really do oink, and the bigger the pig, the bigger the oink. (Should this be a euphemism for something?) These guys were not only big oinkers, but pretty aggressive about their share of the nibbles so we stood back and watched. Boris and Maria are there quite often and rather enjoy petting them, laying their hay, and helping out with filling the seed dispenser. 

We then headed back to La Maria (Fede and his wife Rohan's restaurant) for some lovely vittles. Which being that they're closed on Sunday's, means we get free roam of the kitchen, wine and play park across the street.

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