Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hopper Turns 3!!!

It's already been a few months ago, which is a testament to spending all possible moments outside in summer, but Hopper turned 3 and got to have 3 parties!

Since school was closed for summer, he spent a couple days a week at his old crèche/daycare. He loves it there and made his first outside-the-circle friends there so they were happy to have a little cake party and sing songs. This year he actually wore the hat for a few minutes, got to hand out little gifts to the other kids (bubbles and a balloon) and got a beautiful harmonica from the thoughtful caregivers.

Then his actual birthday was a Saturday and what better way than to celebrate on the day! It was a scorcher, probably the hottest day of the year. Of course we had to go to our local Sarphatti Park but just set up in the shade. So many lovely friends stopped by with fab gifts and Hopper got to have chocolate ice cream. And really, that's about as good as it can get for that boy. There was some time spent in the sand pit at the far corner where the shade was, but it was all about snacking and presents for sure.

His preschool recommended they celebrate his 3rd year after the summer break so during the first week back at school he got to share apple tart and hand out butterfly popcorn bags that he made with mama. Their ritual is just the cutest thing, they made him a hat, called him to the circle and asked him who he wants to sit next to him. (Viggo of course, then Safwan)  They then sang songs and presented the gift chest for him to choose something. (recorder flute) Then on to tart eating and juice drinking and talking about how lekker (delicious) everything is.

The sweetest thing about all the merrymaking, is that suddenly being 3 has given him more confidence and awareness and he has really blossomed at school. He's speaking and singing and joining in, and although he's never been fond of farewells, he has managed to mostly mature into a more independent boy. 3 is truly a great year! I love you my Hopper Nuggetine!

Thanks to everyone who made turning 3 a special occassion!
Here's some birthday photo gluttony!...

not sure about being center of attention (at daycare)

oh thank god you're here...

...take this %&*# hat!

And you wear it!

feelin the macho 3 yr old vibe

birthday eve, passed out beauty

Birthday morning snuggle 
unfortunately we took so few photos, but here's grandad. and Cal in the corner!

sweltering heat, hiding in the shade

slide shenanigans

with Jaro and Devin

with Jaro and Devin

Devin is a sweetheart 
nude birthday pizza

but i wanna watch cartoons!

how great is this!?!?!?!

At school, they decorate!

gets to ring the opruimen (clean-up) bell

so excited!

wait to be called to the circle

Hopper first gets to choose his seat

then chooses Viggo to sit on one side...

... and Safwan on the other

they all get to sit

How old are you? Hoe oud ben jij geworden?

let's talk about cake and candles

and sing Hoera!!!!!

Hoera!! Hoera!!

Viggo, wat een boef! (translation makes little sense, what a little thief!)

the present chest, also a drum

birthday boy gets to pick anything he wants

and go eat cake!

patiently waiting

your flute

yes my flute


my sweet little 3 year old boy!!!!

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