Friday, April 24, 2015

Establishing a Perimeter

It's hard to believe we've been here over 2 weeks already. After the first few days of getting our bearings, groceries, and house set up, time has just flown by and I try to remind myself not to panic that it will be over too soon and to enjoy every moment.

The first day was balmy and sunny and graciously luscious. Then the cold snapped and we were in shivering disbelief. Multiple blankets on the bed, numerous space heaters, and trips to the onsen (bathhouse) were in order. And just when I questioned my sanity with being indoors out of the cold rain, and driving to the nearest city to dry laundry, it swerved around to some nicer days and we could play outside, go to parks, and walk around to visit various spots containing interesting life.

Bunka No Mori is a fabulous destination for us as it has a nice library inside as well as a theater and restaurant, some very pretty walking paths, and up at the top of the small mountain, a grand space to play and fly a kite and ride the slides. So on a nice day wedged between cold and rain, we dashed to the edge of Tokushima to enjoy some sunshine.


This time around, Hopper isn't napping so my time to blog is a bit more limited. Add in teaching Pilates two mornings a week (and prepping the classes) and I find myself pretty busy. I will however try my damnedest to stay caught up. So I may have to sacrifice good writing for just getting it out there. 

oh the pros and cons of the sprayer, nothing and no one are spared
a walkabout with daddy

so many abandoned structures around here

a babbling brook, good for pretend fishing

the shrine across the river

around these parts

conveyor sushi...

...with shinkansen delivery service!

chilly at the breakfast table

this place is a kid's dream, it's at the mall. for less than 4 bucks, you get high octane energy output for 20 min

and loads and loads of happiness. a bargain!

Kazue-chan's bday party at Ski Lodge Hotel (the trout farm- which will get it's own post sometime soon) with lots of food and rough housing

gift mustaches (Kazue-chan and her hubby Yu-kun)

big tatami room = lots of soft landings

Bunka No Mori, this is the start of the stairs

1st flight of flowering azaleas

kite action at the top (thanks Sacha and Ophelia for the eagle kite)

rock park, probably filled with water in summer

hey, dere's a bee in dere

great slides with extra charge! Hopper and I electrocuted each other with some serious hair-raising static


ice cream snuggles

Family Ice Cream Hanami Sakura Photobomb, Hai!!!!!

I always seem to be the photographer, gotta get in there somehow. (#boringselfie)

footy session

yes, yes that's what I wanna see!

lots of stairs

lots and LOTS of stairs

BBQ at Rufus and Eri's house, with neighbor kids playing Super Hero to the Rescue, with sticks naturally

men tending the flames with beer

I just love their house, amazing views of the river, some fruit trees, and a little bit of flatness for kid enjoyment

a tiny little art walk on their property

night time plank shenanigans

Hopper and Ira, fast friends

Nik in a tree, triumphant!

[sigh] that view

even the digging equipment is cute (prepping the fields for planting rice)

our house, our car

Hopper loving the outdoor life

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